As you look closely at this Chapter, a very important lesson should be noted…viz: It is the SPIRIT of God that engineers the whole move. It says: The Spirit of the Lord is upon me”. We can’t have lasting results if we don’t allow the Spirit to lead us in propagating the word. Jesus, our primary example operated in the Spirit all the time. He was conceived of the Spirit, anointed by the Spirit, empowered by the Spirit and resurrected by the Spirit. You can’t open prison doors without the efficacious Spirit of the Lord. When the Spirit comes upon you, it is for a reason. We can’t over-emphasize the importance of waiting on God’s Spirit before we make any move. In Zachariah, the Bible indicates that it is not by might or power but by my Spirit says the Lord. We see little results in many modern day ministries because we are too impulsive in our dealings. When the Spirit moves, yokes are destroyed and burdens are lifted. A broken thing can be fixed but a destroyed yoke is gone forever. Learn how to follow the leadership of the Spirit and great results will follow. In today’s world, many want to lead God’s Spirit, instead of allowing the Spirit to lead us. Relax my friend, when the Spirit leads, no demon can stand before us. Let’s continue to push by His Spirit, Many are in prison and need to be delivered. We saw God’s power and glory in Kenya. Some of the pictures tell the story. If you need the DVD, please call our number. May the Lord bless you real good.

In His Vineyard,

Charles and Eunice Chekwa